Gartner Low-Code App Market Growth Forecast 2021

Gartner Forecast Low-Code App Market Growth In 2021

The worldwide low-code app market growth, as forecast previously by market research and advisory firm Gartner, has been predicted to rise to a projected total of $13.8 billion in 2021, an increase of 22.6% from 2020.

The surge in remote development boosted the adoption of low-code development technologies during 2020, with low-code application platforms expected to remain the largest component of the low-code development technology market through 2022, increasing nearly 30% from 2020 to reach $5.8 billion in 2021.

Research vice president at Gartner, Fabrizio Biscotti said that “While low-code application development is not new, a confluence of digital disruptions, hyper-automation and the rise of composable business has led to an influx of tools and rising demand”.

The increase in demand for custom software solutions that support this rapid digital transformation, is putting additional pressure on IT leaders to dramatically increase application delivery speed and Time to Value which has influenced the rise in low-code through its availability to employees outside of IT.

Gartner predicts that half of all new low-code clients will come from business buyers that are outside the IT organisation by year-end 2025, where 41% of employees outside of IT are currently involved in the development of low-code solutions.

Fabrizio Biscotti from Gartner also said that “in the longer term, as companies embrace the tenets of a composable enterprise, they will turn to low-code technologies that support application innovation and integration”, and went on to offer further insights into the low-code app market, saying “Globally, most large organisations will have adopted multiple low-code tools in some form by year-end 2021.”

Business technologists want to create and execute their own ideas to drive more automation across their business applications and workflows. The needs of business-driven hyper-automation will be one of the top three drivers for low-code adoption through 2022.

Learn more about these forecasts in the Gartner report on Low-Code Development Technologies here: